Board Members
Jason Fredregill
Jason joined the WDMCS Student Scholarship Fund in 2015. A 1989 Valley graduate, Jason has a deep commitment to Valley and returned to West Des Moines to raise a family with his wife, Wendi.
His oldest daughter Marina graduated from Valley in 2019 and daughters Savannah and Zoë will graduate in 2022 and 2024. Both of Jason’s parents also graduated from Valley. Jason is in his 14th year as a head coach with the WDM Soccer Club and has assisted with community projects including Habitat For Humanity and the YESS Duck Derby.
Lori Hinton
Lori has been a member of the board since 2013 serving terms as Chair and Vice Chair. Lori is a 1981 Valley graduate and began her teaching career at VHS in 1986. She taught social studies at Valley from 1986-2018 and served as the district Social Studies Curriculum Lead from 2016-2018. She also coached cheerleading, sponsored student council and was faculty advisor for Best Buddies. Her commitment to WDM continues with her role on this Board.
Lisa Zyblicki
Rosie Aippersbach
After looking for a new volunteer opportunity, Rosie, an active volunteer and district employee, joined the board in 2006. Being the oldest of 10 children and funding college for her two sons, she was interested in helping students ease the financial burden for college. Both of her sons attended WDM schools and received scholarships from SSF. One son sponsors a scholarship each year to pay it forward.
Julie Carroll
Coming Soon
Cindy Todd
Cindy joined the Board of Dollars for Scholars in 2002 and helped guide it to becoming a truly local scholarship organization known now as WDMCS Student Scholarship Fund. She has served as Chairman multiple times and now serves as Treasurer and Awards Coordinator. Cindy and her husband Dan, who is a Valley graduate, have two children who graduated from Valley in 2004 and 2008. She very much enjoys working with the donors and the students and their families as they start their post-Valley life.
Jamie Elliott
Jamie was born and raised down the street from Valley High School and is a 2003 Valley Graduate. He is a member of the 2003 state baseball championship team. Jamie looks back at his time at Valley fondly and says he really owes a debt of gratitude to the teachers and coaches he was able to gain mentorship from. He is proud to be a WDMCS SSF board member and contribute back to this wonderful community.
Kathie Lutter
A long time resident of West Des Moines, Kathie graduated from Valley High School and Drake University and her son is also a VHS graduate. Kathie is a retired teacher with 35 years of service; one year at the Saydel School District and 34 years at Valley. She enjoys giving back to the community as a member of the Student Scholarship Fund Board of which she has been a member since 2007.
Kelli Moore
Kelli joined the WDMCS Student Scholarship Fund Board in 2015. As a teacher at Valley since 2008, Kelli has been able to help the board understand the changing needs of students seeking financial assistance for continuing their education. Kelli is also very active in the district as she has coached numerous sports at all levels since 2003. She enjoys being able to work for students and their families as they start their post-Valley life.
Val Veiock
Nick Rivas
Tory DeVries
Tory DeVries has served as the Photography and Video Production teacher at Valley High School since 2008. Inspired by her former VHS photo teacher, Rick Baker, she is thrilled to now be in that teaching position, inspiring new artists. Tory is married to Dowling graduate Nate Shambaugh, who has fully converted to being a Tiger, and she lives in West Des Moines with her two step-sons, Eric Shambaugh (Valley class of 2018) and Ryan Shambaugh, who will graduate from Valley with the class of 2023. Tory is excited to serve on the West Des Moines Community Schools Student Scholarship Fund Board to help expand the scope of post-secondary education for West Des Moines students.
Vicki Gallagher
Kristine Milburn
Dr. Kristine Milburn, EdD, serves as the Gifted/Talented Program Coordinator/Lead for West Des Moines Community Schools. Kristine strives to partner with teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community members to advocate for and empower advanced and gifted learners. Kristine facilitates professional learning to K-12 audiences locally and nationally, teaches graduate courses, serves on various local and state boards and committees, as well as owns her own consulting service. With a desire to continue serving students beyond their WDMCS career, Kristine joined the WDMCS Student Scholarship Fund Board in 2022.